Max Plugins |
Brazil r/s | http://www.splutterfish.com/sf/WebContent/B4Max | | edit | |
BusyRay | http://www.busyray.com/ | | edit | |
Click-VR Visualizer | http://www.codeblend.com/products/visualizer | | edit | |
Corona Renderer | http://corona-renderer.com/ | | edit | |
finalRender | http://www.finalrender.com/ | | edit | |
FryRender [exporter] | http://fryrender.com/ | | edit | |
Light Studio | http://www.lichtplaner.com/default_ls.asp | | edit | |
Luminaire Tools | http://sourceforge.net/projects/luminaire/ | | edit | |
Maxwell | http://www.maxwellrender.com/ | | edit | |
Mental Ray | http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?id=6837573&siteID=123112 | | edit | |
RenderPipe [exporter] | http://www.art-render.com/page/110/renderpipe.htm | | edit | |
V-Ray | http://www.chaosgroup.com/en/2/vray.html | | edit | |
VoxelRender [exporter] | http://voxelrender.ru/about.html | | edit | |
AF Render [dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/20041014140620/http://homepages.irk.ru/frango/af_afr_eng.htm | | edit | |
The Atmospheric Engine [dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/20011213215152/http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/2143/tests.h ... | | edit | |
Entropy [dead] | http://www.renderman.org/RMR/OtherLinks/blackSIGGRAPH.html | | edit | |
Insight [dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/20021216184710/http://www.integra.co.jp/insight/index.htm | | edit | |
Jackie [dead?] | http://www.movimage.com/ | | edit | |
RadioRay [dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/20021108074314/http://www.lightworkdesign.com/news/pressreleases ... | | edit | |
Raygun [dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/20010608120202/http://www.us.righthemisphere.com/raygun30/raygun ... | | edit | |
RayMAX [coma] | http://www.raymax.com/ | | edit | |
RayStudio [dead] | http://www.nervana.montana.edu/sculpture/animation.html | | edit | |
RenderP3D [dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/20040616063042/http://www.paralelo.com.br/en/solucoes/tecnologia ... | | edit | |
ShaderLight | http://www.artvps.com/content/shaderlight/what-is-shaderlight | | edit | |
MaxMan [dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/20041011055811/ | | edit | |
VLightMAX [dead (VirtuaLight no longer available stand-alone, integrated into trueSpace), exporter] | http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://vlightmax.3dvf.net/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
Maya Plugins |
FryRender [exporter] | http://fryrender.com/ | | edit | |
FurryBall | http://furryball.aaa-studio.cz/ | | edit | |
LightEngine3D:RayDiffuse | http://www.lightengine3d.com/ | | edit | |
Maxwell | http://www.maxwellrender.com/ | | edit | |
RenderPipe | http://www.art-render.com/page/110/renderpipe.htm | | edit | |
Turtle | http://www.illuminatelabs.com/ | | edit | |
V-Ray [in progress] | http://www.chaosgroup.com/en/2/vray.html | | edit | |
| | | | |
Cinema4D Plugins |
FryRender | http://fryrender.com/ | | edit | |
V-Ray | http://www.vrayforc4d.com/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
Rhino3D Plugins |
Brazil r/s | http://www.rhino3d.com/brazil/ | | edit | |
Flamingo 3D | http://www.flamingo3d.com/ | | edit | |
Maxwell | http://www.maxwellrender.com/ | | edit | |
Toucan | http://reconstructivism.net/toucanalphatesting.htm | | edit | |
RhinoMan | http://rhinoman.com/ | | edit | |
VRayforRhino | http://www.asgvis.com/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
XSI Plugins |
FryRender [exporter] | http://fryrender.com/ | | edit | |
Luxion | http://www.luxion.dk/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
Lightwave Plugins |
FPrime | http://www.worley.com/E/Products/fprime/fprime.html | | edit | |
Kray | http://www.kraytracing.com/ | | edit | |
Maxwell: http://www.maxwellrender.com/ |
VirtualRender | http://virtualrender.trueart.eu | | edit | |
WizardEye3D | http://www.wizeye3d.com/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
Caligari Truespace Plugins |
LightWorks [built-in] | http://www.lightworkdesign.com/products/overview.htm | | edit | |
V-Ray | http://www.caligari.com/products/trueSpace/ts75/Brochure/VRay1p0.asp | | edit | |
Virtualight [built-in] | http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.3dvirtualight.com/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
SketchUp Plugins |
IDX Renditioner | http://www.idx-design.com/IDX/IDXRenditioner/tabid/709/Default.aspx | | edit | |
IRender nXt | http://www.renderplus.com/wk/IRender_nXt_w.htm | | edit | |
Maxwell | http://www.maxwellrender.com/mw2_plugins.php | | edit | |
nXtRender | http://www.renderplus.com/wk/NXtRender_w.htm | | edit | |
RenderLights | http://www.renderlights.com/ | | edit | |
Shaderlight | http://www.artvps.com/content/shaderlight/sketchup/what-is-shaderlight | | edit | |
SU Podium | http://www.suplugins.com/ | | edit | |
TurboSketch | http://www.turbosketch.net/ | | edit | |
Twilight Render | http://www.twilightrender.com/ | | edit | |
V-Ray | http://www.asgvis.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=8&Itemid ... | | edit | |
| | | | |
Revit Plugins |
AccuRender nXt | http://www.renderplus.com/wk/AccuRender_nXt_for_Revit_w.htm | | edit | |
| | | | |
Blender |
Blender Internal | http://www.blender.org/ | | edit | |
Cycles | http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Render/Cycles | | edit | |
YafRay | http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Render/Engines/Yafray | | edit | |
| | | | |
General |
3Delight | http://www.3delight.com/ | | edit | |
AccuRender | http://www.accurender.com/ | | edit | |
Advanced Rendering Toolkit | http://www.artoolkit.org/ | | edit | |
AIR | http://www.sitexgraphics.com/html/air.html | | edit | |
Angel | http://www.dctsystems.co.uk/RenderMan/angel.html | | edit | |
Aqsis | http://www.aqsis.org/ | | edit | |
ARC+ Render | http://www.arcrender.com/ | | edit | |
Arnold | http://www.solidangle.com/ | | edit | |
Artishock Graphics | http://www.artyshock.net/ | | edit | |
Blue Moon Rendering Tools | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Moon_Rendering_Tools | | edit | |
Corona Renderer | http://corona-renderer.com/ | | edit | |
Dali | http://www.seanet.com/~myandper/gallery.htm | | edit | |
(Desktop) Radiance | http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/HOME.html | | edit | |
Elvish Ray | http://code.google.com/p/elvishray/ | | edit | |
Evermotion NOX | http://www.evermotion.org/nox | | edit | |
FluidRay | http://www.fluidray.com/ | | edit | |
Gray | http://www.keepitsimple.nl/ | | edit | |
dRad | http://users.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~jpanta/Graphics/HierarchicalRadiosity/ | | edit | |
Gamma-Ray | http://www.gamma-ray.de/ | | edit | |
GRT | http://www.nongnu.org/grt/ | | edit | |
Helios Radiosity Renderer | http://www.helios32.com/ | | edit | |
Igneus | http://www.igneus.co.uk/ | | edit | |
Iguana | http://www.iguana.sherweb.net/ | | edit | |
Indigo | http://www.indigorenderer.com/ | | edit | |
Inspirer | http://www.integra.jp/en/inspirer/index.html | | edit | |
[no name] | http://www.flipcode.com/cgi-bin/fcarticles.cgi?show=65091 | | edit | |
[no name] | http://www.flipcode.com/cgi-bin/fcarticles.cgi?show=65267 | | edit | |
JaTrac | http://wfmh.org.pl/thorgal/jatrac/ | | edit | |
JIG | http://www.steamboat-software.com/jigwhat.html | | edit | |
jrMan | http://www.jrman.org/ | | edit | |
Hungry Cat | http://www.hungrycat.hu/ | | edit | |
HyperShot | http://www.bunkspeed.com/hypershot/ | | edit | |
Kilauea | http://www.seanet.com/~myandper/gallery.htm | | edit | |
KosmoKleaner Raytracer | http://www.kosmokleaner.de/raytracer.html | | edit | |
Kray | http://www.kraytracing.com/ | | edit | |
Kerkythea | http://www.kerkythea.net/joomla/ | | edit | |
Keyshot | http://www.luxion.com/ | | edit | |
Lefty | http://wifl.at.org:8080/~fusion/lefty3.php | | edit | |
Lightflow | http://www.lightflowtech.com/ | | edit | |
Lightsprint | http://lightsprint.com/features.html | | edit | |
LightWorks | http://www.lightworkdesign.com/products/overview.htm | | edit | |
LightRay | http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/~cburns/lightray/lightray.php | | edit | |
LightRay | http://www.fooberman.com/lightray/lightray.php | | edit | |
Lucille | http://lucille.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
Lux Render | http://www.luxrender.net/ | | edit | |
MachStudio Pro | http://www.studiogpu.com/ | | edit | |
Maxwell | http://www.maxwellrender.com/ | | edit | |
[no name, dead] DEAD LINK, NO ARCHIVE | http://users.student.lth.se/d98mpe/index.html | | edit | |
[no name, dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.rawhed.com/uttumuttu/rt/rt.html | | edit | |
Mental Boy | http://www.banterle.com/francesco/gallery.html | | edit | |
Mental Ray | http://www.mentalimages.com/products/mental-ray.html | | edit | |
Meridian (formerly RenderFish) | http://sunfishstudio.com/software.htm | | edit | |
Metropolight [now possibly in Caligari Truespace] | http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.3dvirtualight.com/mlt/ | | edit | |
MiniLight | http://www.hxa.name/minilight/ | | edit | |
Mitsuba | http://www.mitsuba-renderer.org/ | | edit | |
MLT Renderer | http://web.archive.org/web/20040628034601/http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/pdemoreu/mlt.html | | edit | |
muRay | http://muray.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
Mystique | http://web.archive.org/web/20021202122757/http://www.mysticgd.com/projects/mystique/mystiqu ... | | edit | |
[no name] | http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/nickamy/ | | edit | |
OPath | http://opath.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
Pane | http://kevinbeason.com/scs/pane/ | | edit | |
PARC | http://www.flarg.com/parc/ | | edit | |
Parthenon | http://www.bee-www.com/parthenon/index.htm | | edit | |
PBRT | http://www.pbrt.org/ | | edit | |
Perceptuum | http://www.hxa7241.org/perceptuum/ | | edit | |
Phos | http://web.archive.org/web/20050213120552/http://users.ntua.gr/jpanta/Phos/ | | edit | |
Pixie | http://www.renderpixie.com/ | | edit | |
POV-Ray and MegaPOV | http://www.povray.org/ | | edit | |
PowerSketch/Real | http://www.magic-hour.co.jp/ | | edit | |
PR Renderman | https://renderman.pixar.com/ | | edit | |
Radium | http://www.radiumrenderer.com/ | | edit | |
Ray of Light | http://claustres.lautre.net/rol/ | | edit | |
Ray-Bundle Renderer | http://www.fsz.bme.hu/~szirmay/ThesisSzKL.htm | | edit | |
RayWonder | http://web.archive.org/web/20040413231557/http://polygone.flipcode.com/raywonder2.htm | | edit | |
redqueen | https://redqueen.jux.com/ | | edit | |
RenderBitch | http://www.renderbitch.org/ | | edit | |
RenderCat | http://web.archive.org/web/20050205142201/http://www.brunslo.com/cessen/rendercat/rendercat ... | | edit | |
RenderKuh | http://mysticgd.com/thomas/lycium.cfxweb.net/indexOld.html | | edit | |
RenderPark | http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/cwis/research/graphics/RENDERPARK/ | | edit | |
RenderSpud | http://renderspud.blogspot.com/ | | edit | |
Render-Dot-C | http://www.dotcsw.com/rdc.html | | edit | |
Rendition | http://www.holomatix.com/products/rendition/about/ | | edit | |
Rhea | http://graphics.ucsd.edu/~arash/rhea/ | | edit | |
Roel's Raytracer | http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Ereije081/raytracer/index.html | | edit | |
Roel's Raytracer 2 | http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Ereije081/raytracer2/index.html | | edit | |
SAFIR | http://reynald.dumont.free.fr/Gallery.html | | edit | |
SHOT | http://www.bunkspeed.com/ | | edit | |
Spectral Studio | http://www.spectralpixel.com/ | | edit | |
Speos | http://www.optis-world.com/p_speos.htm | | edit | |
SSRT (Shaun's Simple RayTracer) | http://www.nirenstein.com/e107/page.php?11 | | edit | |
sma|rt² [DEAD LINK, NO ARCHIVE] | http://web21.reseller8.publicompserver.de/html/modules/news/ | | edit | |
SSRT | http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~snirenst/SSRT/ | | edit | |
Sunflow | http://sunflow.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
THEA RENDER | http://www.thearender.com/ | | edit | |
TLRCam | http://people.brandeis.edu/~mirman | | edit | |
Trenki Raytracer | http://www.trenki.net/content/view/15/35/ | | edit | |
Toxic | http://www.toxicengine.org/ | | edit | |
Turtle | http://www.illuminatelabs.com/ | | edit | |
Verso [slumber] | http://www.tobiashill.se/?cat=8 | | edit | |
Vidro | http://www.vidro-project.com/ | | edit | |
Virtualight [now in Caligari Truespace] | http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.3dvirtualight.com/ | | edit | |
WinOSi | http://www.winosi.onlinehome.de/ | | edit | |
YafaRay (succeeds YafRay) | http://yafaray.org/ | | edit | |
YASRT (Yet Another Simple Ray Tracer) | http://www.yasrt.org/ | | edit | |
VoxelRender | http://voxelrender.ru/about.html | | edit | |
WizardEye3D | http://www.wizeye3d.com/ | | edit | |
Lightscape [dead, 3rd PARTY LINK] | http://products.engineering.com/aec/software/p00638/prodover.htm | | edit | |
Muse | http://viarender.com.sapo.pt/products/muse/index.htm | | edit | |
RenderP3D [dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/20040616063042/http://www.paralelo.com.br/en/solucoes/tecnologia ... | | edit | |
| | | | |
SourceForge-hosted miscelleanous |
Dream Quest | http://sourceforge.net/projects/dreamquest/ | | edit | |
GNU GMAN | http://gman-toolkit.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
Illuminate | http://illuminate.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
Inyo | http://inyo.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
Luminaire | http://sourceforge.net/projects/luminaire/ | | edit | |
PiscisRT | http://piscisrt.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
RadiosGL | http://hcsoftware.sourceforge.net/RadiosGL/RadiosGL.html | | edit | |
Raja | http://raja.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
Raycer | http://raycer.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
RenderX | http://sourceforge.net/projects/renderx/ | | edit | |
R.I.S.E. | http://rise.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/makepage.cgi?Home | | edit | |
Virtuality | http://virtuality.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
zRcube | http://zrcube.sourceforge.net/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
Applications with native production quality renderers |
3ds max | http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?id=5659302&siteID=123112 | | edit | |
4D Blue | http://www.4dblue.com/ | | edit | |
AGI32 | http://www.agi32.com/Products/AGI32/agi32.htm | | edit | |
Art·Lantis Render | http://www.artlantis.com/products/studio/ | | edit | |
Art of Illusion | http://www.artofillusion.org/ | | edit | |
Bakery Relight | http://www.bakery3d.com/ | | edit | |
Carrara | http://www.daz3d.com/i/software/carrara?_m=d | | edit | |
Cheetah3D | http://www.cheetah3d.com/ | | edit | |
Cinema4d (finalRender) | http://www.maxon.net/pages/products/cinema4d/cinema4d_e.html | | edit | |
Cybermotion 3D | http://www.3d-designer.com/ | | edit | |
Electric Image Animation System | http://www.eias3d.com/ | | edit | |
Form-Z | http://www.formz.com/ | | edit | |
Genesis | http://www.solardigital.com/Site/3D.html | | edit | |
Houdini (See: Mantra) | http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=43 | | edit | |
Imagine3D | http://www.imagine3d.org/ | | edit | |
LightWave 3D | http://www.newtek.com/lightwave/index.php | | edit | |
Lumion 3D | http://lumion3d.com/ | | edit | |
Mantra | http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1001&Itemid=266 | | edit | |
Maya | http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=7635018 | | edit | |
Modo | http://www.luxology.com/modo/features/rendering | | edit | |
Moonlight|3d | http://ml3d.sourceforge.net | | edit | |
Presenter3D | http://www.presenter3d.com/products/P3Dv2_Info.php | | edit | |
Project:Messiah | http://www.projectmessiah.com/ | | edit | |
Now3D | http://www.now3d.it/Eng/ | | edit | |
NuGraf | http://www.okino.com/nrs/nrs.htm | | edit | |
Realsoft 3D | http://www.realsoft.fi/ | | edit | |
Renderworks | http://www.nemetschek.net/renderworks/ | | edit | |
Shade | http://my.smithmicro.com/win/shade/index.html | | edit | |
Strata 3D (Pro) | http://www.strata.com/strata3d.asp | | edit | |
SUBSTANCE (P.U.R.E.) | http://www.neuro-systems.net/documents/pure.html | | edit | |
Terragen | http://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/ | | edit | |
Topas/Topas Pro | http://www.crystalgraphics.com/products.topas.faq.html | | edit | |
trueSpace [using Virtualight / LightWorks] | http://www.caligari.com/Products/trueSpace/tS75/Brochure/Intro.asp | | edit | |
Twinmotion | http://www.twinmotion.com/ | | edit | |
Vue d'Esprit | http://www.e-onsoftware.com/ | | edit | |
3D-Designer [DEAD] | http://www.3d-designer.com/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
Hardware-based |
UDRVE | http://www.bunkspeed.com/ | | edit | |
Gelato | http://www.nvidia.com/page/gz_home.html | | edit | |
RayBox | http://www.artvps.com/page/109/raybox.htm | | edit | |
RenderDrive | http://www.artvps.com/ | | edit | |
rs-mr (mental ray) | http://www.artvps.com/page/161/rs-mr.htm | | edit | |
PURE [dead] | http://www.artvps.com/news.11.htm | | edit | |
| | | | |
Hybrid CPU/GPU (CUDA, OpenCL, etc.)/Dedicated Hardware |
Arion | http://www.randomcontrol.com/arion | | edit | |
Augenblick | http://www.numenus.de/index_en.html | | edit | |
iRay | http://www.mentalimages.com/products/iray.html | | edit | |
Octane | http://www.refractivesoftware.com/ | | edit | |
OpenRL | http://www.caustic.com/caustic-rt_caustic-gl.php | | edit | |
Spectral Studio | http://www.spectralpixel.com/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
Special Mentions |
The Relativistic Raytracer | http://www.anu.edu.au/Physics/Searle/ | | edit | |
Relativistic Raytracing (POVray) | http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~amb/rrt/ | | edit | |
Light++ | http://www.photon.at/~werner/light/ | | edit | |
EVA | http://algorithmicarts.com/eva-renderer/ | | edit | |
G2 | http://www.worley.com/E/Products/g2/g2.html | | edit | |
Wavelength-dependent Ray Tracer | http://www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cs488/Contrib/s01/a5/dmmccorm.html | | edit | |
RealStorm | http://www.realstorm.com/ | | edit | |
Piranesi | http://www.informatix.co.uk/piranesi/index.shtml | | edit | |
Tracy | http://www.momorprods.com/tracy/index.htm | | edit | |
OpenRT | http://www.openrt.de/ | | edit | |
| | | | |
Rendering (typically, GI) fakes |
Enlight | http://www.afterworks.com/EnLight.asp | | edit | |
HDRdomeLight | http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/HDRdomeLight | | edit | |
E-Light | http://home.wanadoo.nl/r.j.o/skyraider/e-light.htm | | edit | |
LightMesh | http://www.gfx-inside.net/lightmesh/ | | edit | |
LumaObject | http://web.archive.org/web/20020804162655/http://www.cebas.com/us/lumaobject1.htm | | edit | |
ScatterVL Pro | http://www.afterworks.com/ScatterVL.asp | | edit | |
ZBornToy | http://www.taronites.com/zborntoy/zborntoy.php | | edit | |
Bunch of Volumes [dead] | http://web.archive.org/web/20010405144304/http://www.cebas.com/us/bov.htm | | edit | |
| | | | |
Insufficient information on these |
Direct Photon Renderer | http://www.highendnet.com/list_servers/render_theory/archive/1671.html | | edit | |
Melon Fuzz | http://web.archive.org/web/20030429175212/www.rainbo.com/people/renderbrandt/index.htm | | edit | |
| | | | |
Add your own (click the Edit link) |
Name | http://link to product/project page/ | | edit | |